We arrived in Chiang Mai, Thailand yesterday. We have the usual difficulties of a new place: slower internet than was promised, “desk” that is a short table, and no office chair. We generally solve these issues with a bit of time, so no major worries.
On the positive side, we are in food heaven. And even better, the food here is cheap. Last night we ate out for under $6… total… the whole family… including the bottles of water. Lunch, which we bought just outside our condo building, was again… less than $6. Tonight we splurged because I decided to go to a Vietnamese restaurant; we spent $10.
I would post pictures of all the tasty food we ate, but every meal I gobbled it down before I thought to take a picture.
Addendum: Matthew read my post and sent me photos of his food. He has enough patience to take photos prior to eating.
Beef Pho, Fried pork noodle