Slovenian Cuisine

We loved Ljublajana, but we never really warmed to the local food. They seem to put cottage cheese in more dishes than we had imagined possible. The desserts with cottage cheese were edible, but I didn’t want seconds. I managed to eat the smoked ravioli with cottage cheese, but the only flavors were smoke and cottage cheese.

So every Friday we were anxious to get to the downtown market where restaurants would set up booths to sell local and foreign cuisine. We favored Thai and Mediterranean restaurants, but tried a number of local dishes as well.

Above is a local potato dish that I liked enough to buy twice. It is hard to ruin fried potatoes. Although, Matthew took a bite and spit it out. So I guess he thinks you can mess up potatoes.

Ethan appears scared of the dessert being cooked, but we all enjoyed the end product. The pan started out with liquid but ended up looking like chunks of fried dough. Logan is holding the finished product. She preferred the Nutella topped side over the fruit topped side.

Ljubljana is the European green capital of 2016. Recycle and compost bins are located all over the city. Above is one of the local helpers who sits by the garbage bins to help confused foreigners figure out where to place their trash.

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Kim Yanoshik
Kim Yanoshik
7 years ago

guess i am not familiar with slovenian cuisine, as i didn’t know about the ubiquitousness of cottage cheese!! hope your next country has food you enjoy more!!

Maria Brecher
Maria Brecher
7 years ago

Who would have guessed that Logan liked Nutella better than fruit??? And that is one HUGE skillet! I have to look up what that is.