More photos from Germany

Matthew takes a lot of photos. The year we were in New Zealand he took 10,000. Really. Not a lie. He takes less now, but it can still take him a while to look through them and get them to me. This may have something to do with the fact that he works. I say all of this to explain why I am posting photos of Germany when we left there 4 weeks ago.

We spent a weekend in Munich after our time in Bad Kohlgrub. Above are photos of Nymphenburg Palace.


Hike at Partnach Gorge in Garmisch-Partenkirchen

Day trip to Innsbruck, Austria


I don’t know what Matthew is doing to that sausage.

Sites seen while on a walking tour of “Hitler’s Munich”.

Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site

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Kim Yanoshik
Kim Yanoshik
7 years ago

worth the wait!