Some Cuenca University students interviewed me for a project on tourism for their business class. They needed more subjects to interview so I sent them across the park to find Ethan, who was happy to be the center of attention.
Above and below are pics of the market I visit daily. I love the selection and cost of the veggies and fruits. Three or four avocados for a dollar… lots of guac!
They also have pre-cooked mote (large corn) and pre-cooked beans. This might seem odd unless you have tried to cook beans at elevation. I didn’t attempt to here, but in Cucso I once cooked black beans for 3-4 hours four nights in a row. They were still crunchy.
Our street.
Church in one of the squares. Every time I pass through the squares I am sad that Chapel Hill can’t manage to put in gathering places.
Kids at Parque de la Madre. Fun to go at any hour.
Weekends at Parque Paraiso are full of families hanging out for the day.
Wild horse running. Okay, this one is not around town. But I thought Matthew got a nice shot.
Llamas. So many llamas.