We met up with the Chiang Mai hiking club a few weeks ago for their weekly hike. There were about 25 hikers from at least 7 countries.
They reported a distance of 8.5 miles, elevation gain of 2165 ft, and elevation loss of 3362 ft. Obviously, it wasn’t a loop.
We hiked up and down three peaks with some very steep ascents and descents. In some sections we needed to use the long grass to help pull us up or lower us down (using the grass like ropes to walk down backwards). After the first ascent using the grass, I discovered that I had blood all over my hands and shirt. Turns out… the grass cuts.
Above is the third peak we climbed. The kids and I went up the steep rocky looking face, although the path was good and it did not seem perilous. Matthew ended up with a different group that took a longer route around, avoiding the sharp drop offs.
Each peak had a different statue.
Super cool! I think Avi and I went to the Buddest temple you talk about in your last post. Love seeing all your adventures.
Love Gaby