Peleș Castle

On one of our day trips from Brașov, we took the train to Sinaia to see Peleș Castle. It is quite new by European standards (built between 1873 and 1914), and it was unbelievably crowded. Yet still, the tour was worth the wait and the worry that if a fire broke out, we would all be killed in a stampede.

It had a number of fun staircases and secret passages.

The decor was impressive, even though I am not one who is particularly interested in decor

Ethan’s favorite part was the floor to ceiling mirrors.

We walked through the woods/craft stands heading back down to the train station.

We planned to stop at the monastery (above) on the way down. We didn’t plan to hang out there for an hour or so, but we did. It poured… for a long time. And, as usual, we didn’t bring our umbrellas. We finally made a mad dash across the street to a cafe to have hot chocolate and warm up while they called us a cab to take us back to the train station.

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6 years ago

Very cool.Have you seen Grand Budapest Hotel? It sort of reminded me of that.

6 years ago
Reply to  Earl

We saw it this year and loved it. We watched Moonrise Kingdom too, another Wes Anderson film. Also worth seeing.