Cúc Phương National Park is a few hours south of Hanoi. Since we like trees more than cities, we hired a driver to visit. Most people must prefer cities because there were only a handful of people in the entire park.
Above, we are in front of the ‘thousand year old tree.’ I was excited to see it, less so when I discovered what is not obvious from the photo; it is pretty much dead.
Below is an old observation tower. The kids and I climbed only part way before deciding that collapse was imminent. Brave (or stupid) Matthew went all the way up. He couldn’t take many pictures as there was little room to stand on anything that was not in the last stages of decay.
Above is the view for which Matthew risked his life.
Above, we are on our way up to The Cave of Prehistoric Man. It was excavated in 1966, revealing human graves, stone axes, pointed bone spears, oyster shell knives, and tools for grinding dating back 7,500 years
We have been to a lot of caves this year. This one ranks near the top of my list for unguided caves because of its size and the scary ladder (that felt a lot steeper than it appears in the picture).
The picture below is from an opening in the ‘upper floor’ of the cave. I wanted to exit it to avoid going go back down the ladder, but it was a plunge down to the forest floor.
It’s a real education trip, tell us more when you come back !
so fun guys, enjoy!!
Ok. I’m just going to put out there that I do not understand the sign at the Thousand Year Old Tree
If a hunter sees two animals and shoots one – no more will be created. At least, that is what we inferred it to be saying.