Why now

On Saturday, November 11, 2016, I woke up depressed. Matthew and I had been cycling through the stages of grief since the election, well, actually stuck in denial, anger, and depression. Suddenly I knew, we needed to leave the country. It was about 6 am and I started searching for places to go. By 8 am I was bouncing on the bed with a partial itinerary scribbled on scrap paper. As has happened every time I have had a sudden urge to travel, Matthew didn’t hesitate to say that we should go.

We let the kids finish the school year. I worked extra shifts, planned and shopped. Now we are living, studying and working as we travel around the world.

About Us

Matthew works from home as a computer programmer, which is what allows us to travel the world. When he is not typing on his computer, he likes to mountain and road bike, run, swim and hike.

Ethan loves to be the center of attention. He has never met a stranger he doesn’t like or at least one that he doesn’t want to talk to. He enjoys regurgitating facts or fantasy to anyone who will listen and excels at acting.

Logan likes to fade into walls and avoid people she does not know. She is an expert at finding sugar no matter where we are. Unfortunately, she finds most other food unappealing. She loves hanging out with friends and playing sports.

Natalie is a Family Physician but is currently on sabbatical to enable world travel. She is the homeschool director, trip planner, and chef. She enjoys running (but not over 8000ft elevation), hiking and being near trees.

Currently in Spain